LOL at new to me farms. Chris is doing good, meaningful work with a lot of thought behind it. He's also brilliant and damn funny (follow on IG to see what I mean).
Wait; are you local? How did I not know this? There's a sidewalk sale during farmers market this weekend - if you're into board games, Griffonest Games (awesome shop) is having a sale, as is our amazing indie bookstore, Read Between the Lynes. LMK if you want to say hi while you're here!
I love new to me farms. I’ll have to check them out.
LOL at new to me farms. Chris is doing good, meaningful work with a lot of thought behind it. He's also brilliant and damn funny (follow on IG to see what I mean).
Done ✅ I’m gonna head over to Woodstock this weekend!
Wait; are you local? How did I not know this? There's a sidewalk sale during farmers market this weekend - if you're into board games, Griffonest Games (awesome shop) is having a sale, as is our amazing indie bookstore, Read Between the Lynes. LMK if you want to say hi while you're here!
Yep! I’m in West Dundee. Wait; you have a bookstore?
Woodstock does, not me, in case I wasn't clear.
Gotcha! Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll be keeping an eye on the weather this weekend, but we should meet up sometime regardless.