Omg I love the story of you and your kids finding the cockatiel’s owner!!! I bet they were sooooo happy and grateful!! I’ve lost two birds out the door - we no longer use the front door. We never recovered ours (one was a cockatiel in winter, and the other an Indian Ringneck last summer). I always get the warm fuzzies reading about people who do end up finding their birds 🥰🥰🥰

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OMG I'm so sorry. That is beyond heartbreaking. We lost one budgie when the kids were little and never recovered her. It was traumatizing. It's made us all more careful but there's still a lot of "walking in/out the back door with the garage door open" happening. Maybe I'll get a bird magnet to put on that door so people know a bird is out before they walk in.

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Yes!! The bird magnet is a good idea.

I bought those magnetic screens that you put on doors to keep the bugs out! Both of my birds flew out of the upper corner and those keep that area closed off. I also bought one to put up between the kitchen and living room so the birds can’t get into the kitchen lol. The Ringnecks were eating the rubber seal on my freezer! 🙃

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Hahahahaha yes!!

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