I’m going to credit my Okie upbringing, and particularly the time spent at my great-granny Orr’s cattle farm (the living template for the musical Oklahoma!’s “Aunt Eller” though I’m positive she never met Rogers or Hammerstein*), for already knowing what a loafing shed is. We also have wild turkeys that wander across our property, but I have thus far never been chased.

*The first time I watched the movie version of Oklahoma!, I seriously thought it was my Granny Orr appearing on screen Mind you, I was about 4, and it was back when you had to go to the public library to see movies that were no longer in theaters, but still...

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Your story of thinking your Granny Orr was in Oklahoma is the BEST. Also, may your turkeys forever fail to notice you.

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Is “dudebros” one I missed, because I LOVE it!? I call everybody dude, but now I can differentiate between just dude for female and dudebros for male.🤣 And I want to thank you for teaching my husband, who works for a company based in Karlsruhe, Germany by the way, that graupel is not sleet!

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Ellen, I tend to use dudebro as a pejorative term - abundant in privilege and lacking in empathy. Re: Graupel - I wonder if in Germany it DOES mean sleet? I mean, aside from weather nerds, I don't know if most of us would even know the difference.

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