Mar 5, 2023Liked by Toni McLellan

I must protest: Douglas Adams was the writer of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and also has been dead for years. He has not, to my knowledge, been accused of anything grosser than a gross disregard for deadlines.

I think you mean *Scott* Adams, and I will defend our beloved absurdist Hitchhiker’s author from being lumped in with Douchebert with my last breath.

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I am MORTIFIED, Tiffany! I've fixed it on the web version, though sadly, it's too late for the email version. Douglas Adams is far more familiar to me than Scott Adams, so at least the error makes sense that way. Also LOL at Douchebert. #newtomephrase

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Toni McLellan

Thanks for standing up for Douglas, Tiff--who AFAIK was a generally decent guy, and dead enough that he hasn't been tempted to decry "woke culture" and defend the reigning monarch of the UK JK Rowling, like far too many Britons have.

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Look, I wasn't intentionally besmirching Douglas Adams! Randal, I do appreciate that you used your comment as a springboard to celebrate The One True Adams while dragging Rowling.

One of my kids said he saw the UK referred to as "TERF Island," which tbh I should add to the NTMP list.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Toni McLellan

Oh, no one assumed you'd done it intentionally. But among mistakes that will get every nerd on the planet into your comment section, getting Douglas Adams mixed up with Scott Adams is second only to saying "Darmok and Jalad at Niagara Falls"

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: You are a national treasure, Randal.

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I missed the panda mask too! Definitely caught the guy dressed like a Book of Mormon prophet, though.

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My brain stutters a bit over the word codpast, and I love it.

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