I am behind on this season of Reservation Dogs so thank you for not spoiling.

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I wasn't even thinking spoiler-prevention, and I know better! But truly, the lead-up to that word is such a great moment among many great moments on this show; the trademark humor wrapped in sincerity and longing for meaning within grief.

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You were the second person that weekend to mention the episode, so I did go ahead and watch shortly after posting my comment yesterday. It was so, so good. And there are so many little nuances in this show that are so distinctly Oklahoman...the OU mugs? The Sonic drinks? And that was just this one episode...

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That's what I love so much about this show; it packs so much cultural, comedic, and profound connections into small moments, rather like The Simpsons. It moves so fast and it's all so damn good. They got robbed with their Emmy snub.

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