Texans consider Texas to be its own nation. This is because Texas used to be its own nation and because Texans are cocky little shits. Some of them anyhow. I haven't run into any Texan who thinks they are part of the Southwest with the exception being the El Paso area. Texans like to think of their Mexican food as Tex-Mex. The other food group in Texas is Barbeque.
Lots of different regions to Texas. They're hard to nail down as any one thing.
My SIL is calling people for vote-curing, which she says is low-stress because those people have *already voted* and she's just working to make sure their votes *count,* instead of maybe accidentally getting someone hostile on the end of an already-stressful-for-introverts phone call.
Well she's an extrovert, so no worries, but for introverts like me it's less stressful than calling women who haven't voted yet asking them to vote and having their MAGA boyfriends pick up.
Texans consider Texas to be its own nation. This is because Texas used to be its own nation and because Texans are cocky little shits. Some of them anyhow. I haven't run into any Texan who thinks they are part of the Southwest with the exception being the El Paso area. Texans like to think of their Mexican food as Tex-Mex. The other food group in Texas is Barbeque.
Lots of different regions to Texas. They're hard to nail down as any one thing.
Thanks for your thoughts, Clark! Regionalisms and regional pride are so interesting! It reminds me that I want to check out this book at distinct American regions - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11140803-american-nations
My SIL is calling people for vote-curing, which she says is low-stress because those people have *already voted* and she's just working to make sure their votes *count,* instead of maybe accidentally getting someone hostile on the end of an already-stressful-for-introverts phone call.
That is also such important work, Randal! I'm glad she found something that she feels comfortable doing.
Well she's an extrovert, so no worries, but for introverts like me it's less stressful than calling women who haven't voted yet asking them to vote and having their MAGA boyfriends pick up.