I have a native prairie garden! I have many tips! Weeding really does stink, and if you're doing a big changeover, you can use herbicide, or smother a section, to start fresh. Otherwise, weeds will keep popping up.
All I do here is weed. There are like 8 perennial beds. One of them is massive and set up high with a retaining wall. Here I am with a bad ankle and two bad knees and osteoarthritis throughout my broken body, climbing around on that thing cutting out garlic mustard, dame's rocket, and Canada thistle. Currently researching native groundcovers. I like gardening but I can't do it full-time, and this property requires full-time. And landscaping companies like to go fast and have killed so many plants I want to keep, and they're expensive. I have to remember to be patient; this is a big lot with a lot of beds and I have to be patient, keep planting native plants, and let lots of things go. Weeds are just gonna happen.
More than one bed has that awful ground cloth under it. Okay-ish for weed suppression but terrible for letting perennials spread. But without it, the weeds are legion. Got a hori-hori knife and enjoy angrily cutting that shit out where I can and setting in perennial flowers and grasses that will spread and crowd out some of the weeds.
Yeah and that cloth eventually disintegrates too :( You have so much area to cover, at that point I would be renting out garden beds to locals with no yards LOL
Had to come comment before I finish reading… I am so f’ing over AI!! Sooooo many college students are using it and as a college instructor I’m sooooo done with it. I was furious when I discovered the top search results being AI generated!! As a fellow bird owner, I know you will appreciate my frustration! I was googling trying to find out whether I could use a carbon steel nonstick springform pan!! It took me a bit to realize the first answer was AI generated. Nope. Not trusting AI for that!! I gave up and used a glass pan. My son wanted to make cheesecake. it turns out the springform pan is only necessary if you want to put it nicely on a serving plate, which we didn’t care about. I had better results on what to use instead of a springform pan.
Now, back to my Sunday grading of mostly AI generated final papers 🤬
Wow, Kristin; I didn't realize how bad it was in academia. It feels like this technology is being foisted upon all of us without much foresight OR oversight. LMK what you learn about carbon steel and parrots; I hadn't thought of that as a safety issue. I found a silicone springform pan with a glass bottom on Amazon - works great.
I gave up on my searching because there are two toxic chemicals in nonstick, and all the listings said they didn’t include one or the other but not both lol. But it looks like the PTEE used to be made with both PFAS and PFOA, but PFOA was phased out in 2014 due to being linked with health risks… so, as long as it listed no PFAS it should be OK. I had to go finish my research again to answer 😂 but, good to know for next time!! I will totally order the silicone springform pan from Amazon at some point! I’ve got silicone muffin pans - because those were impossible to find without nonstick.
Toni we need a Midwest gsdc meet-up so we can play Werewolf! It has a very special (and occasionally traumatic) place in my heart ❤️
I love the idea of a Midwest meetup! ::googles distance to your new city::
Yes!!! I’m in the Quad Cities
Yesssss!!! A Midwest contingent!
I have a native prairie garden! I have many tips! Weeding really does stink, and if you're doing a big changeover, you can use herbicide, or smother a section, to start fresh. Otherwise, weeds will keep popping up.
All I do here is weed. There are like 8 perennial beds. One of them is massive and set up high with a retaining wall. Here I am with a bad ankle and two bad knees and osteoarthritis throughout my broken body, climbing around on that thing cutting out garlic mustard, dame's rocket, and Canada thistle. Currently researching native groundcovers. I like gardening but I can't do it full-time, and this property requires full-time. And landscaping companies like to go fast and have killed so many plants I want to keep, and they're expensive. I have to remember to be patient; this is a big lot with a lot of beds and I have to be patient, keep planting native plants, and let lots of things go. Weeds are just gonna happen.
More than one bed has that awful ground cloth under it. Okay-ish for weed suppression but terrible for letting perennials spread. But without it, the weeds are legion. Got a hori-hori knife and enjoy angrily cutting that shit out where I can and setting in perennial flowers and grasses that will spread and crowd out some of the weeds.
Yeah and that cloth eventually disintegrates too :( You have so much area to cover, at that point I would be renting out garden beds to locals with no yards LOL
I literally had this thought today! Except instead of renting, I'd just ask people for help with weeding.
Had to come comment before I finish reading… I am so f’ing over AI!! Sooooo many college students are using it and as a college instructor I’m sooooo done with it. I was furious when I discovered the top search results being AI generated!! As a fellow bird owner, I know you will appreciate my frustration! I was googling trying to find out whether I could use a carbon steel nonstick springform pan!! It took me a bit to realize the first answer was AI generated. Nope. Not trusting AI for that!! I gave up and used a glass pan. My son wanted to make cheesecake. it turns out the springform pan is only necessary if you want to put it nicely on a serving plate, which we didn’t care about. I had better results on what to use instead of a springform pan.
Now, back to my Sunday grading of mostly AI generated final papers 🤬
Wow, Kristin; I didn't realize how bad it was in academia. It feels like this technology is being foisted upon all of us without much foresight OR oversight. LMK what you learn about carbon steel and parrots; I hadn't thought of that as a safety issue. I found a silicone springform pan with a glass bottom on Amazon - works great.
I gave up on my searching because there are two toxic chemicals in nonstick, and all the listings said they didn’t include one or the other but not both lol. But it looks like the PTEE used to be made with both PFAS and PFOA, but PFOA was phased out in 2014 due to being linked with health risks… so, as long as it listed no PFAS it should be OK. I had to go finish my research again to answer 😂 but, good to know for next time!! I will totally order the silicone springform pan from Amazon at some point! I’ve got silicone muffin pans - because those were impossible to find without nonstick.
“Most Gloriously Petty” is a tradition I can get behind!!
I knew there was a reason I've always liked you!