The first phrase and associate tidbits remind me of the episode of "You Are Good" about Twister and how no movies like it are made anymore. Twister is not only a long-standing favorite because it's often a common cultural connection (how many of us saw it on TNT at some point) but because it's not a movie full of backstory before you get to the story. You're able to jump in without needing exposition beforehand. We have virtually no movies like this anymore/ones which don't backstory dump the first third or half of the film.


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Speaking of the "Kentucky Meat Shower", I double dog dare you to look into animal rain or strange rains.

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I would totally watch Surf Dracula too lol 😂 I used to watch a lot more movies than TV, but have totally switched that up and watch a lot of streaming shows. I loved Grimm!!

Kentucky Meat Shower - ewwww lol

Fart Walk!! Love it!!!

Peewag! Dying! Glorious typo!

We almost had a Bison Bridge here, but it was ultimately voted down.

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