I'm a proud owner of Visalia Raw Hide merch.

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We don't have any fun minor league names here, unless the Kane County Cougars count, which, sort of? But we do love attending minor league games; they're more affordable and intimate and the food is awesome.

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We're close to the San Jose Giants (SF Giants A ballclub) and it's so much fun. Firework nights, BBQ, kid events, etc., and not a bad seat in the place. Tickets are like $15! Cannot be beat.

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“Show us your hole” dying!!!

All of these are sooo good! Also died at “sacarons”

Totally down for a virtual power point party!!! Sounds like a blast!!

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I'll be in touch about the NTMP PPP!

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I kid you not, this morning I opened a draft to do a deep dive on these incredible baseball team names and the phrase "there's no reason to hang on to your racist mascots" is right there, too.

Danville's Dairy Daddies are HEROES. The heroes we NEED.

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Kelly, it's kind of like when people want to cling to anything that allows them to be racist/homophobic or otherwise uphold oppressive structures: There are ABUNDANT word choices besides your fave that "they won't let you say any more." It requires creativity, flexibility, and even a sand-grain of empathy will do.

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Late to the party (recovering from my own trip to CA) but down for the PowerPoint

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