Ballskin Robbin’s 🤣☠️

OMG the artspace thing sounds incredible! So many of my artist friends who I’ve met through vendor events are neurodivergent, and something like this here would be so amazing!!

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The Last Fire Season is on my (terrifyingly long) to-read list. And I have a bit of climate grief for how winters used to be in central Illinois. Snow is fairly rare these days. So is bitter cold. As someone who likes winter, this is very much not a good thing.

Also, I think you hit on something about the airspace thing. Familiarity when traveling. While my own house looks nothing like that, I could see where airbnbs with common aesthetics could be comforting. (Maybe also boring.) Kind of like when staying at the same hotel chain in different cities. The hotels aren’t exactly the same, but there is a familiarity even if you haven’t been there before.

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Oh yeah- congratulations on 100!!!

And “69 dudes!” 🤣

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